Calicut University MA 2nd Year Time Table 2015 - You can find & download here Time Table of Calicut University Master of Arts (M.A.) final year (Regular/Supplementary/Improvement) examination will be held in April/May 2015.
Established in 1968, Calicut University has become a veritable lighthouse beckoning and directing millions of young men and women towards meaningful education. Today, it has emerged the largest University in Kerala with 25 Departments of postgraduate studies and research, under its direct control and 191 affiliated colleges spread across the five northern districts of Kerala–Kozhikode, Malappuram, Palakkad, Thrissur and Wayanad – serving about 2.75 lakh students every year.
University/Institution : Calicut University
Programme : Master of Arts (MA)
✓ Malayalam Language & Literature (2008 Admn. Onwards)
✓ Arabic Language & Literature (2005 Admn. Onwards)
✓ Hindi Language And Literature
✓ English Language And Literature
✓ Sanskrit Language And Literature (2009 Admn. Onwards)
✓ Sanskrit Sahitya (Special) (2009 Admn. Onwards)
✓ E C O N O M I C S
✓ H I S T O R Y (2007 Admn. Onwards)
✓ H I S T O R Y (2006 & Earlier Admn.)
✓ Political Science (2013 Admission Onwards)
✓ Political Science (2010 -2012 Admn.)
✓ Political Science (2009 & Earlier Admission)
✓ S O C I O L O G Y
✓ P H I L O S O P H Y
✓ Malayalam Language & Literature (2008 Admn. Onwards)
Annual/Semester : Annual
Session : April/May 2015
Contact Address : Calicut University, Calicut, Malappuram, Kerala 673635
Official Website :
Time Table
Calicut University MA 2nd Year Time Table 2015
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